Patients of Salam Medical and/or their families have the right to:


Receive dedicated and professional care at home by specialists/personnel who listen to the patient and respect the patient as well as the premises.


Take part in the development of the home healthcare plan of care, and receive a full explanation of provided services, treatment, and available alternatives.


Receive detailed information of the home healthcare plan, including the assigned specialists and supervisor name and emergency contact numbers.


Receive full information about the benefits, expected impact, and consequences of provided medication or treatment, including the possible results of refusal of medical treatment, counseling, or other services.

Privacy and complete confidentiality about health, social, financial circumstances, communication, records, and the treatment itself..


No information will be shared without a written consent from the patient and/or immediate family members.


Receive information on Salam Medical’s policies and procedures including information on charges, qualifications of assigned personnel, service hours and shifts, and discontinuation of service..


Request a change of caregiver while stating reasons.


Have access to all home health care service bills and detailed documents of medication charges..


Access to a clear explanation concerning which services and/or equipment provided by Salam Medical are covered by a third-party and which services and equipment will be paid for by the client and all relevant incurred charges.